Terms and Conditions

Your use of the Service is governed by this Agreement. See clause 19 for definitions of the capitalised terms used in this Agreement.

Upon enrollment for classes, we may collect information, including your and the Student’s names, address, dates of birth, email addresses, phone numbers and other relevant details including copies of school examination results. See our privacy policy for how we treat personal information.
You agree to provide accurate and complete information and to keep this information updated when interacting with us. You declare that the information provided to us for the purposes of enrollment and seeking and continuing Membership will be complete and accurate.
The session fee is subject to the grade and subject. Please call us to confirm the charges. are indicated and updated from time to time on our Website. Except as set out in this Agreement, Fees are payable on the termly basis in advance vais bak transfer.
Fees are charged and payable in Australian dollars (AUD), Fees are exclusive of and do not include any Goods and Services Tax (“GST”) that may be payable in relation to the provision of the Service unless otherwise stated and in the event that GST is payable you must pay to us an additional amount equal to the amount of any GST payable by Mathematics Pointt.
You can cancel your enrollment anytime by giving us two (2) weeks notice via email. Else we deduct the payment for the upcoming session and refund the rest.
Tuition Sessions may only be cancelled or rescheduled with 24 hours’ notice in writing. Any Tuition Session cancelled within 24 hours will incur the usual Fee (and not a credit). Any cancelled Tuition Session must be made-up before expiry of the term.
We do not, and cannot, warrant or guarantee the desired grade result of any Student and do not accept responsibility or liability for a student’s overall performance in any examination or on an assessment piece. Students’ grades and results are the responsibility of the students themselves along with their parents.
Your tutor will be your primary contact for queries on the Services only via email.
This Agreement is governed by the laws in force in Victoria, Australia. The parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Victoria, Australia and their Courts of Appeal.
We reserve the right to amend this Agreement from time to time. Amendments will be effective immediately upon publication on our Website.
In this Agreement:
● Tutor means the teacher assigned by us to provide the Services.
● Fee means our fee for your selected online tutoring sessions with any other fee payable pursuant to these Terms & Conditions.
● Services means the online tutoring student. The services may include Tuition Sessions and such other services offered by us pursuant to the selected Plan.
● Student means a student who undergoes online Tuition Sessions
● Term means a 10-week (+) school term period.
● Tuition Session means a tutoring session between a tutor and a student.

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